Mary specializes in 30-45 minute sessions that provide your dog with the relaxation and rejuvenation they deserve. Whether your beloved companion needs a therapeutic session or simply deserves a pampering treat, she is here to provide the highest quality massage experience.
These services are not a substitute for medical or veterinary care, and I’m happy to work with your veterinarian on the right treatment for your canine partner.
By Texas law, therapeutic massage on an animal is required to be done with the acknowledgement of a licensed veterinarian. Please email me at to request the required General Supervision Request for Therapeutic Massage Care to give to your vet.
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Revitalize Your Pet with Trigger Point Massage
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Mary MacCallum is not a veterinarian and is acting as an independent contractor. A veterinary acknowledgement form is required prior to your first visit in Texas only in order to be in compliance with Texas Administrative Code §573.14.