About Mary

A lifelong animal lover, I’ve been an animal care professional for over 30 years. I received certification in canine massage through the Pet Massage Institute, and then went on to work with Ken Bain on canine massage and knew that this would be the next chapter! As an animal care professional, I understand the importance of seeing what your dog is telling you with their movement.

I’ve been participating in dog agility since 2001 and my journey is in the third generation of agile Labradors! Maintaining the physical health of our canine athletes is my primary focus which includes conditioning and trigger point massage. Simple exercises and stretches at home can maintain flexibility, horsepower and maximum range of motion. Adding regular massage can keep them healthy and flexible to avoid injury. These sports need to have power, flexibility and the ability to put that power into motion to exceed.


My Labs have been recognized as Champions in multiple venues. Both Anna and Blue have MACH and PACH AKC agility championships and were also NADD Dock Diving Regional Champions in 2020 and 2021. They will be 14 years young in March 2024! Anna has also been honored in the top 25 Agility Labradors for 2019 -2022, qualified and competed at AKC National Agility Championships in 2021 and 2023, and qualified for the 2024 NAC. Firefly was Reserve Hydrodash Champion in NADD Regional in 2021 when she was 16 months old. She also competes in agility, FAST CAT running 26.19 mph, and is starting to shed hunt.

I use my massage skills weekly to find problem areas before they require more intervention.

These services are not a substitute for medical or veterinary care, and I’m happy to work with your veterinarian on the right treatment for your canine partner. By Texas law, therapeutic massage on an animal is required to be done with the acknowledgement of a licensed veterinarian. 


Mary MacCallum is not a veterinarian and is acting as an independent contractor.  A veterinary acknowledgement form is required prior to your first visit in Texas only in order to be in compliance with Texas Administrative Code §573.14. 

Anna, Blue and Firefly